Political cartoons

Analysis: This political cartoon shows the statue of liberty lighting Vietnamese houses on fire and a family running away from the fire.The cartoonist wants to show that the Vietnamese are being held against their will in the conflict between Vietnam and America. The statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom, is seen here igniting the conflict, she destroying homes and lives of innocent people. The cartoonist might argue that the war is Americas fault. The burning of the house refers to the search and destroy missions, which caused a lot of protest.

Analysis: This political cartoon shows President Richard Nixon holding on to two tapes which say "I am not a crook". The cartoonist claims that the only reason Richard Nixon didn't fall out of office earlier was the fact that he was holding onto the tapes that had critical evidence about the Watergate Scandal on them that eventually forced him to resign. The tapes it says "I am not a crook", a famous quote from Nixon, he used to defend himself against accusations about the scandal.


Analysis: This political cartoon shows a scarecrow of a soldier, that has "vietnamization" written on his chest and crows on its shoulders. The cartoonist criticizes Nixon's Vietnamization policies as it took very long to retreat. The scarecrow is symbolic for the soldiers that die in the jungle while fighting for a war the public doesn't want, instead of being pulled out immediately.

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