diary entries


Hi Diary,

Today was a fantastic day, I told you that I was not going to go to college a week ago, because we don't have enough money to effort it. My mum had still hope, because someone told her about the higher education act, that got passed in terms of Johnson's "great Society". It increases the amount of money the government gives to universities, creates scholarships and gives out low-interest loans to students. She told me that because of that, I have a better chance for a scholarship, which came to be true this morning when my mum ran into my room and told me that I was granted a scholarship by the Missouri State University, and I can actually go to college. That opens up a lot of job opportunities for me, i can actually study what I want and wont have to work in my dad's store. And I don't think he still really needs me, as he is earning more money. It seems like Johnson is really good president. He seems to help the poor, more and more of my friends families seem to have more money. Even my dad stopped complaining and even mentioned that he really likes Johnson, as he cares for the poor people as well. all in all it was a wonderful day, and I hope tomorrow will be as good.


Dear Diary,

I am having a really bad day and i am really nervous, because i have to go to court tomorrow. I do not want to have this child. This world is so unfair, how can people justify their opinion on that. I am a free citizen of the united states and under the fourteenth amendment i should have the right to get an abortion. I thought i could get the abortion by saying I was raped, it was suggestion by a friend of mine, but they didn't believe me. They said since their is no prove and no police report about a rape and therefore they wont allow me to have it. the last days have been really stressful and i am running out of options. I even tried to have an illegal abortion, but it seems like the police has closed down the place i was going to have it at. I talked to the attorneys and we decided, that we shouldn't use the rape as a reason anymore and forget about, or even confess to the lie. The only chance i really have is to win this court case and get the abortion the legal way, but its going to be close call. We will try to make them realize that its against 14th amendment do deny an abortion. Lets hope for the best.


Dear Diary,

Things are getting better now, more and more people respond to the protest and try to stand for civil rights.My mother is actually allowed to vote now, as the president got rid of the literacy test. Her and my dad always complained about it, because it is unfair. She is really interested in politics and is always informed, and yet she can't vote. It's still not easy for her to actually get to vote, as some of the racist people here in the south usually wait in front of the voting places and don't let her get close. We are still not even close to equal rights, but its getting closer. The law are working against segregation now, but the southern don't seem to accept that. Until now it doesn't seem like the federal government is backing their law enough , because some of the things that are done to us here in the south are definitely illegal and to me it doesn't seems like anyone is trying to stop them or make them take responsibility for their actions. Martin Luther King is really persuacive and I hope he will get enough attention and support to make this world a little bit more fair.

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